Monday, April 13, 2015

here we are, post no. 1!

Why am I here has been a "day." One that had me in ups and downs of both happy and sad. The nightmares of the previous sleep still heavy on my heart. I woke up in sweat, and it lingered even after I scrubbed, lotioned and changed my sheets. I admit I have a small case of the stomach flu, as does my son, Jack. My daughter just finished her bout and it's slowly taking each of us down. That aside, I still felt heavy and unlike my self all day. Now, at 9pm I am finally crawling out of my pity hole and after giving my 75 piles of laundry the stink eye, am sitting down to sort myself out. Lets see, The Meldrum family one word? Chaos. Spring Break just ended and we went from sand to snow to bed with the dang flu. So my house looks like we were robbed while away, except I told my husband the thieves would be sent running from our house because it looks as if there was already a robbery in progress. Bugger. it's been a day...
On a brighter side, here are photos from our Spring Break. (Easter not included)